Meet Our Pastors & Staff

Rev. Eddie Price

Senior Pastor

Rev. Eddie D. Price has served as our pastor since August 1996. He is married to the delightful Robin Hennecy Price and called dad by Abbey, 24, who recently graduated from Gardner-Webb University with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, and Elijah, 22, who recently graduated from Central Piedmont Community College with an Associates Degree in Business Administration.  Family time, sports, yard work, and time in his shop top the list of favorite things he enjoys. The Coast of South Carolina is his favorite destination with family and friends. After graduating from Garinger High School, he attended NC State University and Wingate University followed by the completion of a Masters of Divinity Degree from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY.  Licensed and Ordained at Eastern Hills Baptist Church in Charlotte, NC. Eddie has served as pastor, staff, retreat and revival speaker at churches in North Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky, Georgia, and Indiana for 38 years. He has also enjoyed the privilege of serving on various boards and committees within the Union Baptist Association and community. Pastor Eddie is grateful for the transforming power of Jesus Christ and is passionate about making this transforming power known. 

Steve Brown

Associate Pastor of Administration

Steve Brown has been called by Calvary Baptist Church to serve as Associate Pastor as of November 2022. He is married to Angela, and they together have three adult children Matthew, Mikayla, and Stephen along with the blessing of three grandchildren Madelyn, Maddox, and Benton. Steve and Angela have been members of CBC since 2006 and have served together in numerous ministries with the church family. In his free time, he enjoys quality family time, grilling, running, exercising, reading, yard work, and woodworking. Steve is originally from Elizabethtown, NC and has called Union County his home since 1993. He continues to work and serve in leadership at State Utility Contractors, Inc of Monroe for almost 30 years. He has two degrees from East Carolina University, a Bachelor of Science in Construction Management (1993) and a Master of Construction Management (2012). Steve considers it a “Great” joy to be called to serve at Calvary and is extremely humbled for this great privilege. One of his favorite life verses of Scripture is found in Romans 12:1-2 – “Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” 

Jennifer Trull

Preschool Director

The Lord called Jennifer in November 2020 to be Calvary Baptist Church’s Preschool Director. Jennifer said “yes” to Jesus one night of VBS during her elementary school years. Even though the exact date is blurry, the feeling she had in her heart, and the voice of God she heard with her ears, is something she will never forget.   She and her family have been members of Calvary for 15 years.  Jennifer and her husband, Justin are raising 2 beautiful girls, Skylar (14) and Marleigh (11).  Jennifer loves spending time with her family and friends.  She loves to host and anyone who has met her knows her door is always open.  She values creating strong purposeful relationships, community, and extending help to those in need.  Jennifer loves crafting for fun and has recently taken up drum lessons as her new favorite way to worship our Lord. Jennifer’s love for teaching and guiding children started in her middle and high-school years through serving in children’s ministry. She continues to serve in Yourh and helping with VBS each summer. She not only has a love for children, she has a love and passion for women and families. She currently serves as a Women’s Ministry Team leader and is a part of the Ministry Leadership Team.   Jennifer desires every family to experience the love of Christ. 

Debbie Fijan

Office Manager/Bookkeeper

Debbie came to Calvary Baptist Church in November of 2019.  She has been married to Jack Fijan for 26 years and they have raised three wonderful children, Justin, Catherine and Anna.  Their children are married and Jack and Debbie are enjoying the gift of grandchildren.  Debbie is a former homeschooling mom and loves to sing, bake, journal, and spend time with her family, expecially the grandbabies.  Debbie is a certified Bookkeeper and Public Notary and has a strong background in Administration, Music Ministry, Women's Ministry, Jail Ministry and Addiction Recovery Ministry.  Debbie came into relationship with God over 25 years ago.  She loves the Lord and is privileged to serve Him and His people and help spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to our community and the world around us.  A key verse that has played a big role in tranforming her life is Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In ALL your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight." 

Kathy Allen

Office Administrative Assistant

Kathy Allen has joined our office team here at Calvary Baptist Church as administrative assistant in April 2023. She and her husband Virgil have been married for 33 years. They have a son A.J. who was truly a gift from the Lord during their 22nd year of marriage, proving His timing is perfect. Kathy started working after high school in the construction industry for 23 years as a secretary and estimator. After that she worked as an administrative assistant for Carolina’s Health Care. After having their son, A.J., she spent some years at home enjoying the time with him. She has recently served a local church as interim secretary and interim preschool director. They enjoy going to the beach, gardening, and fishing when they can. She and her husband have worked with Youth/R.A.’s, her husband has served as deacon. They enjoy singing, her husband plays guitar and A.J. is learning piano. Kathy enjoys working in the office, working with children, and helping with events. They know that the Lord has blessed their lives so much and their testimony reflects how great our God is. Kathy’s favorite verse is “For with God,nothing will be impossible”. 

Frank Casstevens

Worship Director

On September 17th 2023, Frank Casstevens joined the Staff of Calvary as our new Worship Director in our Worship and Music Ministries. Frank came to Union County in 1982 as a student at Wingate University. His junior year He played piano for Union Baptist Church and in 1985 served South Florence Baptist Church S.C. as Summer Youth director before joining the staff of New Salem Baptist Church as Minister to Music & Youth in the Fall. He served the church family at New Salem for 38 years. In 1987, He began teaching Elementary music in the Monroe City Schools which later became a part of Union County Public Schools.  Frank has taught at 3 of our local schools with the entire 35 years being at Benton Heights Elementary School of the Arts.  He has served as Music Teacher, A+ & Arts Coordinator, Title 1 and Beginning Teacher Facilitator, Grants, and most recently the past three years as Piano Lab Instructor. He is completing his 36th year with UCPS in June 2024.  He also teaches five private piano students in his home and is involved in many community groups including the UCCAC, UC Community Shelter and Operation Christmas Child.  He has served the UBA as Vice Moderator and Moderator, as well as Youth Committee chairperson for several years.  Frank is married to his loving wife Holly who celebrated their 25th anniversary last September.  They have one son, Trevor, who lives in Greenville, NC.  His life verse: “I am the vine, you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” John 15:5 NIV 

Laura Grimm


Laura has served as organist/keyboardist at Calvary Baptist Church since 2005.  She began taking piano lessons in the 3rd grade and started playing at Wednesday night Bible study after two years of lessons.  Serving the Lord in this capacity is her passion and she considers it an honor to serve the Lord in this way at Calvary.  Laura earned a Bachelor of Music Education degree from Wingate University and a Master of Education, Divergent Learning from Columbia College.  After sharing her love of music with many private piano students and 39 years of teaching elementary music in the public school system, she retired in 2020.  Laura enjoys painting, reading, and family activities during her spare time.  She also loves to travel in their motorhome with her husband, Chris, and their dogs.  Laura and Chris are very proud of their daughter, Shelby, and son-in-law Stuart Parsek.  Philippians 4:6 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." and Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” are two of Laura’s favorite verses 

Elijah Price

Exterior Custodian

Elijah has grown up in the family of Calvary. He has served as the exterior custodian, responsible for lawn maintenance since 2019. Elijah is a graduate of Piedmont High School and Central Piedmont Community College. In 2021 he graduated with an Associates Degree in Business Administration. He has a passion of service for the Lord. He is actively involved in sound ministry, livestream, and youth ministry here at Calvary. Proverbs 3:5-6  “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;” in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”